A Day in the Forest
During our ‘Forest Schools’ sessions this term the children have had to be extra mindful of their footings when moving around the forest and climbing due to all of the wet weather. We do encourage the children to manage their own risk and they do this extremely well.
The last few weeks have been great fun and the children have enjoyed climbing up the large tree ladder and building up their confidence each week with some children managing to reach the top! Others were investigating the patterns and different colours in the tree bark and discussing this with each other.
A few children gathered a plank so that they could make a seesaw, working with each other to carry this to the fallen log. The smiles and laughter of the children was lovely to see.
A few children found ladybirds and they crawled around their hands and fingers for a while before deciding to fly off. A small group dug a branch into the ground for a Christmas tree during their imaginary play, and collected conkers and placed these in a tree groove for the squirrels to find.
Along with all the play, the children get to enjoy the hammock, rope ladder, zip line and mud kitchen all within the wonderful surroundings to explore!
Children learn so much outside …..not all classroom have walls!