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VEX Robotoics National Championships

The Vex Robotics National Championships were held over four days last weekend. Finborough were represented in the senior Vex V5 event by Toby and Ben W, and at the middle school VEX IQ event Finborough were represented by Niles H and Oliver R.

In both events, students need to design, build and programme a robot to complete a set of tasks. By working collaboratively with other teams they aim to score as many points as possible.

The VEX V5 team reached the quarter finals of the competition, knocking out the number one seeds in the process; while the IQ team reached the knockout stage of the event on their second day. The IQ team were awarded a special award for their Thinking Skills in the autonomous programming section, where they scored an incredible 38 points (the third highest score in the country).

Claire Fisher was also recognised for her efforts in working with VEX by being presented with the Teacher Award

You can watch the entire four days which were live streamed by going to http://link.vex.com/uknationals