Students Hard Work Rewarded
Our Students at both A Level and GCSE have achieved remarkable success in their examinations. The significantly positive progress made across every exam entry is excellent and a beautiful reward for the hard work of students and their teachers.
The commitment we have experienced from our students in year 11 and sixth form is the manifestation of how character has developed, driven by our culture and ‘Learnability’ framework.
At A Level, Louis and Francesca achieved a full set of top grades an exceptional outcome mirrored by the exceptional value added secured by Vaughn, Beth and Joshua. These achievements were amplified further by ALL students in year 13 achieving their university places.
At GCSE, our highest achievers were Olive, who also had the highest value added score, Eleanor, Emmanuel, Lilly and Sam. Teilo , Sophia , Oliver, Faaiza , and Ben T celebrated exceptional value added scores.
We are incredibly proud of the achievements of all of our students who took public examinations, they have demonstrated the power of disciplined, consistent hard work, great ‘Learnability’ resulting from character that will be the foundation of their success as the next chapter of their lives unfurls.