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Our Approach to Learning

At Finborough we understand that investing in the culture of any organisation is key to success.

That is why over the past decade The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, written by Stephen Covey, has been used to develop and shape our culture. All our staff have attended the signature training which is an intense 2/3 day personal development programme. Our teachers are in the position of developing people every day, it is our firm belief that we should provide continual personal and professional development for all our staff, to ensure they are the best educators.

The seven habits is common sense, the benefits to individuals of adopting the habits are extensive and therefore the benefits to organisations and the people within are plentiful.

Upon entry to our sixth form you attend the Seven Habits of Highly Effective teenagers programme. This is a two day programme written by Sean Covey that adapts the habits with more age specific language. The Seven Habits teenage programme is a guide to help improve self-confidence, build friendships, resist peer pressure, achieve goals, and get along with parents! Finborough is the only independent school in the country to be running this prestigious course. Our students will be leaving Finborough and entering a highly competitive world for university places and careers. Students need more than great results now to get a job; they need the self-confidence and self-belief to really make an impact. This programme, alongside the other life skills sessions, will provide additional knowledge and tools that are required in our competitive marketplace.

Every half term the whole school focuses on one habit using age appropriate language and methodology. So our children in Year 1 will have written their mission statements (which is part of habit 2 Begin with the End in Mind) alongside our Year 11 students. The sixth formers help to deliver the habits to the younger pupils, which in turn reinforces their learning. As Covey states you only truly start to live the habits once you have taught them. A common language is developed both in and out of the classroom so it is not uncommon to hear 6 year olds talking about being proactive and 14 year olds looking for a win win solution!

Coupled with the unique Learnability framework the habits guide a culture at Finborough which is centred on understanding yourself and striving to be the best you can, respecting others and their differences, taking responsibility for yourself and your decisions and ultimately being successful in whatever you choose to do.

For more information on The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People click here