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Digital Civility

Digital Safety and Civility Agreement

Our children’s safety online is such a high priority, we have taken the bold and innovative step of creating an agreement that creates a protective seal around all aspects of their digital life. The set of non-negotiable parameters we have established are designed to embrace the innumerable advantages which technology confers on our children’s lives and their learning, whilst ensuring that their privacy and well-being are guarded.

All of our pupils agree to the following as part of our Digital Safety and Civility Agreement:

  • I am committed to being safe online always.
  • I will not become dependent on any of my devices. They are tools to enhance my life, not rule it.
  • I understand that my devices are provided by my parents for me to use. They have a right to check them all, to ensure I am safe and being responsible online. (This includes all communications and social media)
  • I will never access any inappropriate content online. I will only download or stream content that I am old enough for and that I know my parents and teachers would be happy for me to see.
  • At school, I will only use devices for learning, and with the permission of my teachers.
  • Out of school, I will limit my time using my devices to 1 hour maximum on week days and 4 hours across a weekend.
  • I will not use social media until I am in Year 7. Then, only with a parent’s permission or my parents’ permission and ability to see all my posts.
  • I will only communicate online using language and content I would be happy for my parents and teachers to read.
  • All the comments I make via social media will be kind and constructive. I will never deliberately intend to be mean, unkind or mock others.
  • I will never befriend and communicate with anyone online my parents do not know. I will never arrange to meet in person anyone without a parent’s or my parents’ permission.
  • I will only post images and video of myself that my parents have approved.
  • Any inappropriate behaviour I experience online, I will report and share, straightaway, with my parents and teachers.

The effect of this comprehensive agreement on our children is a fundamental element of their best preparation for life.

Finborough Digital Safety and Civility Agreement

National Crime Agency – County Lines