Pastoral Care
The happiness and wellbeing of every child is at the core of everything we do. We believe that all teachers are pastoral teachers. In order to educate the whole child, we need to be the whole teacher.
The Lead Teacher: The First Point of Contact
In the Senior School, we believe in the special relationship for all pupils with their Lead Teacher. We align the role of the Lead Teacher with that of the Prep School teacher in various ways, to nurture the special, close relationship formed with their class teachers in their prep years. It is our intention to ensure that the Lead Teacher is the first point of contact for all of their pupils. With a longer tutorial period each afternoon, we can take the time to nurture relationships and gain the deep knowledge of our pupils necessary for an effective pastoral system.
This detailed understanding of pupils is further developed through regular verbal communication with parents and our half termly tutor group updates.
Lead teachers meet with their groups in the morning for registration, and then for a 30 minute session in the afternoon. During this time, key areas of PSHE are delivered and discussed, along with support and direction relating to further study and careers. Students are also regularly asked to reflect on their current learning habits, and set targets for their development.