Performing Arts
“The arts are an essential element of education: music, dance and theatre are all keys that unlock profound human understanding and accomplishment.”
William Bennett
Here at Finborough, we are passionate about the Performing Arts. Drama, Music and Dance play a vital role in the education of all pupils at the school. Pupils develop key skills for life in creativity, teamwork, self-expression and confidence.

We believe these are invaluable skills in preparing our pupils for a range of future study and career options.

We encourage all pupils to participate in the performing arts whether as an actor, dancer, musician, designer, director, back stage or as a critical observer.
Drama and Dance are taught in well-equipped studios complete with mirrors and lighting rigs. The Music department has its own separate area of the school with 2 large teaching rooms (including iMac and garage band technology), peripatetic rooms and a recording studio.
We are also very proud of our spectacular school productions which have received fantastic reviews and been an amazing experience to all involved. There is a huge amount of pupil involvement both performing, back stage, playing music, designing programmes or just being inspired by watching what we create.

We have been known to take over our Sports Hall at School for recent productions such as ‘The Lion King’, ‘School of Rock’ and ‘The Addams Family’. We also use professional venues such as Dance East in Ipswich for ‘Oliver!’ and ‘Guys and Dolls’, and The Theatre Royal in Bury St Edmunds for Beauty and the Beast.
We also do a very popular ‘Shakespeare Festival’, Summer Soiree, Christmas Concert and lots of other pop-up performing opportunities where pupils of all abilities have their moment to shine.