Sports Professionals Programme
Our Sports Professionals Programme at Finborough is a unique and innovative, truly bespoke and holistic programme to comprehensively prepare post 16 students for a professional sports career.
The programme is dynamic and flexible and designed to cater for any sport for both male and female athletes.

This comprehensive two year experience can be enjoyed as either a day or boarding student, enabling talented young sportsmen and sportswomen from across the UK and beyond to build the foundations for a highly successful professional sports career.
Achieving Athletic Aspirations
Our overarching aim is to support our Sports Professionals Programme students to achieve their sporting aspirations. Whether it is professional sport, a career in the sports industry, achieving a place at a top sports university or gaining an American university sports scholarship, we will guide every individual towards a successful and dynamic sporting future.
Academic Achievement
Students on the programme have access to a broad range of curriculum pathways designed individually for them. From A levels to BTEC and Diploma qualifications all our athletes have an academic experience that will ensure great achievement.
They also have access to our advanced ‘Learnability’ approach to maximise their studying success as we work with them to ensure the strongest possible academic skill set and best outcomes in their chosen qualifications.
Our Sports Professionals Programme students benefit from an academic personal tutor to support their progress and best course achievement.
Sports Leadership and Life
The programme has the development of a character for sporting success at its core. Our focus on the Seven Habits of Highly Successful People alongside our considerable experience of high-level sporting achievement, enables us to nurture athletic talent and ensure all of our students are fully equipped for a career in their chosen sport.
This includes intricate career profiling and planning to chart their journey to sporting success, beginning very much with the goal of topflight performance in mind.
We work with our students to ensure they are equipped with the leadership skills, independence, resilience and determination to thrive in a highly competitive environment.
Our Performance Coach provides individual weekly mentoring to ensure goals are being achieved and there is great synergy in the team around each student.

Sports Development
Every student on our Sports Professionals Programme enjoys an individualised programme that is designed using a holistic approach encompassing strength and conditioning, sports specific coaching, nutrition, physical and mental wellbeing.
Our Strength and Conditioning approach developed in conjunction with world class sporting professionals is designed to ensure optimal sports performance development alongside long-term injury prevention.
Highly experienced coaches work alongside physiotherapy support to build for a professional sporting future.
Psychological Development
Each of our Sports Professionals Programme students will have access to a sports psychologist to build their mental wellbeing toolkit and ensure their strong healthy mindset is positively driven by the passion they have for their sport.
Professional Skills / Experience
As part of the Sports Professionals Programme we intensively support students planning their futures including pathways to topflight sport alongside related careers. This includes internships coupled with coaching experience and the opportunity to achieve a Personal Training Instructor qualification.
We challenge our students to develop their business and enterprise skills to broaden their horizons and enable them to consider entrepreneurial opportunities in the world of sport.
Students in year 11 at Finborough who have the aptitude and potential for our Sports Professional Programme will be offered a place based on our deep knowledge of their sporting capabilities and character for success.
We also invite year 11 students from other schools who would like to be considered for selection to join us for this unique programme to register their interest and have an initial meeting with our Headmaster Steven Clark, and our Performance Coach Mitch Turner. Following the initial meeting we will invite prospective students for the programme to a comprehensive selection event scheduled on a Saturday during the spring term.
Finborough Sports Professionals Programme Selection Event
Each of the following activities will take approximately 20 minutes
- A comprehensive tour of the school and sports facilities with current Sports Professionals Programme Students
- A one to one session with our Headmaster
- A video analysis session, where athletes bring a video recording of themselves participating in their chosen sport to view and discuss with our Performance Coach
- A sporting ‘character’ assessment interview with our Director of Sport
- A functional fitness assessment with our Elite Strength and Conditioning Coach and Physio
We will consider the sporting career aspirations and aptitude of all who register an interest in the programme and will offer places to those who demonstrate the strongest character for success.
To register your interest please contact Sam Hughan (Admissions) at the school via telephone on 01449 773600 or via email at